Innovate to Implement

OTF is delighted to announce I2I - Innovate to Implement, a platform for aspiring students. This platform is aimed at helping students understand cutting edge infrastructure and then implement innovative ideas on top of it. The I2I platform will be a progressive journey for the participants that will hone their technical skills and help them understand industrial trends.

Since most of the industries are inclined towards Kubernetes for their underlying Cloud infrastructures. We have decided four tracks this year.

  1. Machine learning workloads on Kubernetes
  2. Kubernetes App development
  3. CI/CD pipelines with Kubernetes
  4. Service Virtualization with Kubernetes

The overall process is divided in four stages:

  1. Learn: Self learning paths/Checklist will be provided to the participants so that they get aware aboout the tools and technologies.

  2. Operate: Hands-On tutorials will be provided to the participants so that they get an operational experience of the core concepts.

  3. Assemble: Professionals working in the repective domains will be assigned to enhinace their knowledge and make them ready for the last stage.

  4. Build: Last stage of this process is Hackathon. Participants will have to pick a topic from listed Use cases and solve the issue. These Use cases will be actual issues faced in the industrial infrastructures. Moreover, there will also be liberty for the participants to pick up theier topic of interest (provide it has no objection from the panel).

Teams consisting of One to Five members are welcome to register.